Map location of
Steinbach Credit Union, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

2100, McGillivray Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3Y 1X2, Canada


  • Finance
  • Professional

Looking for a professional and reliable finance institution in Winnipeg, Manitoba? Look no further than Steinbach Credit Union (SCU). Located at 2100 McGillivray Boulevard, SCU offers a wide range of financial services to meet your needs. Whether you need assistance with banking, loans, or investments, SCU is here to help. With convenient operating hours from Monday to Friday (09:30-17:00), extended hours on Thursdays (09:30-20:00), and Saturday hours (09:30-15:00), SCU provides flexibility for your busy schedule. Trust the operator SCU for all your financial needs.

Points of interest near Steinbach Credit Union

Additional information

  • Operator : SCU

  • Website :

  • Opening Hours : Mo-Fr 09:30-17:00; Th 09:30-20:00; Sa 09:30-15:00