Map location of
Westbound Grosvenor at Elm, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


  • Transport
    • Public

Looking for information about the Westbound Grosvenor at Elm bus stop in Winnipeg, Manitoba? This point of interest is operated by Winnipeg Transit and falls under the categories of transport and public transport.

Homes for sale near Westbound Grosvenor at Elm, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Address Bed / Bath Listing Price
Picture of 532 Stiles Street
532 Stiles Street
24 hour notice is a MUST! Tenant occupied. this two bedroom bungalow offers a bright kitchen, lovely living room, 2 full bathrooms (shower in basement needs fixing), and double detached garage. Rare to find a 1945 bungalow with double detached garage in Wolseley! Don’t miss out! Buy a revenue prop
Winnipeg, MB
Living Area: 864 Sqft.
2 Beds, 2 Baths

Points of interest near Westbound Grosvenor at Elm

Additional information

  • Operator : Winnipeg Transit