Map location of
Fancys Pond, NS, Canada

Nova Scotia, Canada


  • Natural
    • Water
  • Recreation

Homes for sale near Fancys Pond, NS, Canada

Address Bed / Bath Listing Price
Picture of Turners Island, Marie Joseph NS B0J 2G0
Turners Island, Marie Joseph NS B0J 2G0
Do not miss this opportunity of a lifetime to own a private island on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia! This 110 acre island is located off of Marie Joseph & is a 10min boat ride from the Government Wharf. Turners Island was once known as Hawbolt Island & home to two settlements: one on the mainland
Marie Joseph, NS
Living Area: 1619 Sqft.
3 Beds, 1 Bath

Points of interest near Fancys Pond