Map location of
Wheelers Pancake House, Lanark Highlands, ON, Canada

Lanark Highlands, Ontario, Canada


  • Food
  • Retail
  • Nightlife

Located in Lanark Highlands, Ontario, Wheelers Pancake House is a popular point of interest that caters to food, retail, and nightlife enthusiasts. Operating from Monday to Sunday, the establishment is open from 09:00 to 15:00, ensuring that visitors have ample time to enjoy their delicious pancakes and explore the retail offerings. Whether you're looking for a hearty breakfast or a late-night snack, Wheelers Pancake House is the perfect destination.

Points of interest near Wheelers Pancake House

Additional information

  • Opening Hours : Mo-Su 09:00-15:00

  • Opening Hours:covid19 : Th-Su 09:00-15:00