Map location of
Navan / AD. 4032, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


  • Transport
    • Public

Looking for transportation options in Ottawa, Ontario? Check out the Navan / AD. 4032 bus stop operated by OC Transpo. This public transport point of interest is a convenient choice for commuters in the area. Explore reliable and efficient transportation services for your daily commute.

Homes for sale near Navan / AD. 4032, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Address Bed / Bath Listing Price
Picture of 3690 NAVAN ROAD
ESTATE CONDITIONS. Opportunity is knocking! Frontage on Navan Rd 44.92 feet. Rear lot line is 99.87 feet. 210.88 feet depth siding on to mini putt park, delineated by black chain link fence. Total lot size is just shy of an acre at 18, 848 square feet. Small 2 bedroom 1 bath house with double car de
Navan, ON
Living Area: 0 Sqft.
2 Beds, 1 Bath

Points of interest near Navan / AD. 4032

Additional information

  • Operator : OC Transpo