Map location of
Grimard Optique Inc, Montreal, QC, Canada

3100, Rue Beaubien Est, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


  • Retail
  • Health

Looking for a reliable and trusted optical store in Montreal, Quebec? Look no further than Grimard Optique Inc. Located at 3100 Rue Beaubien Est, this retail and health establishment offers a wide range of optical services and products. Whether you need new glasses, contact lenses, or a comprehensive eye exam, Grimard Optique Inc has got you covered. With their knowledgeable staff and state-of-the-art equipment, you can rest assured that your eye health is in good hands. The store is open from Monday to Wednesday and Friday, from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM, and on Thursdays, they have extended hours until 08:00 PM. Contact Grimard Optique Inc at +1-514-376-4747 to schedule an appointment or drop by during their operating hours. Don't compromise on your eye health, choose Grimard Optique Inc today!

Points of interest near Grimard Optique Inc

Additional information

  • Website :

  • Phone : +1-514-376-4747

  • Opening Hours : Mo-We,Fr 09:00-17:00; Th 09:00-20:00