Map location of
Première Moisson, Montreal, QC, Canada

7075, Avenue Casgrain, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


  • Retail
  • Food

Première Moisson, located at 7075 Avenue Casgrain in Montreal, Quebec, is a popular retail and food destination. With its convenient location and wide range of offerings, it attracts both locals and tourists alike. Whether you're looking for fresh produce, artisanal breads, or delectable pastries, Première Moisson has it all. The store is open from Saturday to Wednesday, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, and on Thursdays and Fridays, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Plan your visit to Première Moisson and experience the finest in retail and food options.

Points of interest near Première Moisson

Additional information

  • Opening Hours : Sa-We 07:00-18:00; Th,Fr 07:00-19:00