Map location of
Tigre Géant, Montreal, QC, Canada

6877, boulevard Newman, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


  • Retail

Tigre Géant is a retail store located at 6877 boulevard Newman in Montreal, Quebec. With a phone number of +1 514 366-9362, Tigre Géant offers a wide range of products for customers to choose from. The store is open from Monday to Friday, 08:00-21:00, and on weekends from 08:00-17:00. As a popular shopping destination, Tigre Géant is a must-visit for those looking for great deals and a variety of retail options in Montreal.

Points of interest near Tigre Géant

Additional information

  • Phone : +1 514 366-9362

  • Opening Hours : Mo-Fr 08:00-21:00; Sa,Su 08:00-17:00